The need for affordable housing in Brookhaven is a problem that will only continue to grow until we get serious about providing solutions. Not only must housing be affordable, but we have a duty to ensure that our town-wide housing practices are fair, and do not discriminate or disproportionately affect people of color. The days of landlords being able to reject tenant applications for being on public assistance or having children must end. If a single-mother with two children and a job, and the ability to pay her rent, who also happens to be on federal SNAP benefits or housing assistance, cannot find an apartment to rent in a reasonably nice neighborhood on account of discriminatory landlords, that is a problem for me.

I will be the type of Supervisor who can balance the need for housing with the desire for communities to retain their local aesthetic. We must pursue projects that fit each neighborhood’s needs, with constant input from residents.

It’s not enough for a Supervisor to take selfies in front of demolished zombie homes that turn into empty, unkempt zombie lots. I want to refurbish and sell these homes, with county funding to make them affordable for young families and combat veterans.

My Housing Plan:

  • End housing discrimination.

  • Refurbish zombie homes to re-sell at an affordable price.

  • Pursue affordable housing initiatives for seniors, young professionals, and families.

  • Community input at every stage of housing initiatives.